Fueled by Twin Oaks Apiary
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Fueled by Twin Oaks Apiary
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Fueled by Twin Oaks Apiary

As a Virginia Certified Master Beekeeper and owner of Twin Oaks Apiary, Ron Stilwell has handled literally millions of stinging insects over the years. So when given the opportunity to help others be relieved of the hassle and fear of ground-dwelling yellow jackets, while also providing support for people seeking venom immunotherapy, it was an easy decision to become an venomous insect collector. Yellow jackets are collected live, then flash frozen, and sent to a laboratory in Washington State where their venom is withdrawn for clinical use.
RVA Yellow Jacket Removal is situated in the Lakeside area of Henrico County. Collection is limited to the local metro area and to the months of July, August, September, and October, when yellow jackets are the greatest nuisance to people and pets. Preference in scheduling is given to Henrico, Hanover, and Richmond City. Outlying areas can be serviced for an additional fee.
We only collect ground dwelling yellow jackets and we only collect insects that have NOT been treated with any kind of chemical agent. A modest service fee, using Venmo or Cash App, or old-fashioned cash, is charged to visit the collection site and remove the insects, including the colony's nest, if possible. If the insects have been treated in any way, the insects and the nest will not be removed, as they are no longer usable for therapeutic purposes. ​ Just call, text, or email to get in touch and to help us help others.